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Contrary to myth, barbecue is not an American invention. Barbecue predates Homo sapiens. Anthropologists even think that the mastery of fire has permanently changed our evolutionary path. It is this primitive connection that makes us still keen on cooking. "The story of barbecue is the story of the United States. Settlers arrive on an unpolluted continent. Discover wonderful wealth. Set them on fire and eat them."
Before white people entered the new world, Native Americans had begun to develop cooking styles and methods similar to those of Europeans. Soon after the explorers arrived, the local people began to adopt the technology learned from the invaders. This is a simple wood burner made of mud found in California. It is equipped with a steel plate that can be used as a baking tray, and can be barbecued with a grill instead of it.
In the colonial era, there was no natural gas and electricity very early, and almost all food was cooked with wood. As shown in the above figure, the fireplace and furnace are also used as the cooking center. Its rotary oven and small oven are heated by the fire.
George Washington is in Mount mount (Mt. Vernon, VA) (shown here). On May 27, 1769, the noble who was not our president or even the general wrote in his diary (2:154): "I went to Alexandria (VA) for barbecue and stayed all night." Therefore, at least it can be traced back to the tradition of tonight's outdoor cooked meat party. In September 1773, Washington even held the "assassin of my dedication in akadink". In 1793, after the foundation laying ceremony of the United States Capitol, 500 pound cattle were barbecued.
Unfortunately, the exact menu and cooking method are not clear, but pork and beef were very popular at that time, and whiskey would have been served. Washington even built a winery on the mountain. Vernon in 1797.
According to dinner with the Washington people: historical recipes, entertainment and entertainment of Mount Vernon, edited by Stephen A. McLeod, "barbecue is a lively social activity...", Washington brought 48 bottles of French claret into it. "During Christmas in 1773, he went out to find his stepson and some visiting friends' to dig a hole in the fence, which may be similar to horseshoe. The painter Charles Wilson Peale later recorded that [[Washington] Ask to show the scope of our efforts; Then, smiling, without taking off his coat, he reached out his hand to throw the missile. The heavy iron rod quickly felt the grip of his powerful hand, but lost the power of gravity, and then flew into the air, far beyond our maximum limit. When we stood up, we were really surprised. They were stripped of their buffs and rolled up their shirt sleeves,
In his mansion on the top of the mountain, George Washington's kitchen has a simple wheel driven barbecue shop in front of the big furnace. On the wall hung other spits of different lengths.
Slowly smoked barbecues and sauces are becoming more popular, especially in the southern United States. Many plantations have smoking rooms, which are mainly used to preserve meat, especially ham. Slaves were responsible for most of the cooking work, maintaining the smoking room, and preparing outdoor barbecues for large-scale celebrations such as weddings, festivals and political gatherings.
Smoking rooms are very common in the backyard of many houses, and some are even in the upstairs rooms. There are smoking cabinets hanging on the chimney. A simple damper will transfer the smoke from the downstairs fireplace to a closed room, which will circulate and exhaust upward from the chimney. Andrew Jackson, the seventh president from 1829 to 1837, had a big chimney behind the Hermitage estate near Nashville, Tennessee. It was built between 1819 and 1821 and has now returned to its original state.