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First place the grill on the outdoor horizontal surface, away from roofs, overhanging trees and other structures. Open the vents at the bottom of the grill. Remove the grill and cover from the grill. In the pyramid, charcoal blocks are stacked in the center of the grill. For every pound of meat you need at least 30 pieces of coal. However, this may increase or decrease depending on the climate. On wet, cold or windy days, you need more charcoal. Sprinkle at least 2 ounces of light liquid/liquid on the charcoal to ensure that each coal is coated. Carefully light the charcoal with a match. The lid should remain closed until the coal is completely hot and ready to boil. Heat the coal for about 20 to 25 minutes. At this time, the charcoal will be covered with a layer of white ash. If you want to barbecue food directly, spread the charcoal and cover the bottom of the grill. However, if you want to use indirect heat, put it aside. To move the coal, use long handled pliers. Coat the grill with vegetable oil to prevent adhesion. Vegetable oil can be applied with a brush or saturated paper towel. For safety, put the barbecue surface back on the grill and wear gloves. Before putting food on the grill, make sure the grill surface is completely heated.