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In the cuisine of various countries, the basic without barbecue. This style of cooking originated in Central America, when Spanish invaders discovered that the natives had built wooden shelves on which they baked fish and wild foods they had caught, and they called this "Barbacoa".
As The Times went on, the big barbecues became associated with political movements. On weekends, some politicians in the United States will prepare some barbecue food and drinks in places such as parks or city halls. The main purpose is to please voters, but the options are not large, basically consisting of meat, bread, beer, wine and cigars.
The "Australian barbecue" that followed was undoubtedly brought by the British colonists. The first AD for barbecue appeared in a Sydney newspaper in 1920, encouraging people to build their own grills. But it took another couple of decades for the leisure activity to move from the public to the private sector because of economic constraints, and for barbecuing to move from the straightforward grilling of a whole animal to the "elegant" dicing. It wasn't until 1950 that barbecue finally developed into a "national food movement" for all ages.
Australia is a vast country with few people and a large per capita living area, every family must have a place in the backyard for barbecue: charcoal piled in the warehouse, an all-purpose oven in the corner, and professional tools for cooking.
Walk into any major supermarket chain or outfitter and you'll see tools made for barbecuing. Up to 18 pieces of stainless steel barbecue utensils, brush, fork, knife, filler metal, all available; Barbecue appliances, from home-style vertical ovens, to long grills designed just for skewers, to small portable ovens: they cater to every consumer's needs.
But for some apartment dwellers or transient travelers, backyard barbecues are out of the question. The Australian government has kindly built many free grills in parks and on beaches.
Electronic grills can be seen everywhere, and there is a special person to clean and maintain them every morning
In fact, these seemingly unobtrusive grills are mainly powered by pipeline gas. According to my observation, 98% of them are free to use, and some of them can be started with an investment of Australian $2. Moreover, they also have different temperature zones, which can be said to be very humane.
Vegetables, marinated meats and salads for the barbecue.
But when it comes to Australian BBQ, you have to attend a barbecue organised by a local Australian to get the gist of it.
Australians take BBQ very seriously, especially when it comes to comfort. When everyone else brings a tent to a barbecue, Australians want to uproot their families: Many of them drive camping trailers with solar panels and portable refrigerators filled with cold beer, fresh sausages, marinated chicken legs, fat and lean beef and lamb chops, and sometimes Australia's unique kangaroos and emus -- both of which are highly prized for their low fat content and lean meat.
Once there, they're not in a hurry to bake. They need to make their space comfortable -- get out their outdoor chairs, open their parasols, and each have a cold beer to cool their voices.
When it finally begins to roast, the left hand throws the firm meat, such as sausages and steaks, onto the oven, while the right hand is already putting a third bottle of beer in his mouth, while he is also tacitly frying some finely chopped onion shreds for later adding to the bread for sausage/steak/chicken breast sandwiches. It also comes with a simple sauce, either ketchup or mustard or just barbecue sauce - with staple food, meat and alcohol, it's the perfect meal for Australians.
In the clouds of smoke, I have to feel that this simple, rough and casual, is not the true portrayal of the Australian people's character?